Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Oh crap!

Today is a somber day. Amber pooped out on us. She was idling violently, puffing out white smoke, and then nothing. She just quit. Mike had to bike to where we could get cell phone reception and then call AAA. They towed us to Florence where a place called ACR Automotive will look at her tomorrow. We checked into a motel across from there called Silver Sand's Motel. They had the best shag carpet ever!!! Keith (the nice man from yesterday) called us to check out how we were doing. He also recommended places we should check out here while we wait. Another awesome person that has crossed our paths throughout this trip. I do beleive (more than ever before) that there are way more good people in this world than bad. We have experienced this first hand throughout our whole adventure. I am optimistic about our situation. Just a minor set back on our trip. We have money and time still so we will hope for the best. The verdict will be in tomorrow.


  1. Sorry to hear about your setback. At least you're on the Oregon Coast - a great place to be stranded (Oh lord, stuck in Florence again...) I'm in Eugene right now, Portland tomorrow, then back to Eugene before I head to eastern Oregon on Wednesday or Thursday. If there is a need for a part from Portland or something like that, give me a call and I'll stop and pick it up. Eugene is only an hour out of Florence, and we could run it over there. 541-805-5133

    Our family's favorite hotel in Florence is the Lighthouse Inn. Medium priced, old time character in both the rooms and the cool lobby where we've played chess, read, and played music on many a winter evening.

    '84 Westy DJAZZ

  2. Having lived on the Oregon Coast for ten years, I can speak with authority that it is long on scenery and short on people who are really competent Vanagon repairmen or women. Even the VW agencies are most often inept. I believe AAA will tow you 100 miles. Florence is a bit far for the rescue team of the Little Red Wagon and the Big Green Draggin. They are a 4 door dually 7.3 diesel F350 and a 16 foot equipment trailer which has rescued many a VW van. Let me know if you decide to move inland. May I suggest you let us know what the tab is going to be before you have any work done?

  3. hmm too bad you are so far from medford where scott has a great shop and lots of ability
    good luck guys i hope you get things on the road with little damage tyo the pocket book

  4. I can't see what year your Vanagon Westy is from the pics --- mine is an 84 --- and I've watched her go up on a flatbed more times than I can remember. But everything has always turned out fine. Keep your chins up -- unlimber your wallets -- you're not broken down -- you're creating another story to tell.

  5. Kelly and Mike,
    Sorry to hear about everything. But you are right, you have time and money, so keep your chin up. I can see that you are right about all the nice people you have met!

    See you soon,

  6. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and help. We are figuring out our situation and options and will be letting everyone know what is going on ASAP. All of you have been so helpful and kind I know it sounds king of corny but I must say this: I now have a more positive outlook on humanity.

  7. Sorry to hear the news guys. On the bright side, if it had to happen, at least it happened after your stay in Alaska, and not before you even got there. Let us know if we can do anything for you. Hope something gets figured out soon!

    Lucas and Michelle

  8. CRUD!!!!I was in Florence yesterday!!! How about let me know where you are,please. You are only about 75 miles away.What's the diagnosis re the van?

    Susan 1's westy is visiting while she is in Alaska.
