Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So this is it. We are now home. Back to the craziness of everyday life. Although it is always nice to be home after any trip, I find myself several times throughout a day longing to be back there. I can only speak for myself, but this trip has changed both of us for the better. What have we learned?

1. Enjoy the simple things in life. The smell of a campfire, the silence of the outdoors, the appreciation of a good shower-these are just a few of my favorite things!
2. We will be Westy owners for life! No explanation is necessary.
3. Never count on everything working out as planned. Instead, embrace the unexpected.
4. We can get through anything when we are together. No matter what it is, together as a team we succeed.
5. Give back to others whenever you can. Whatever you give comes back to you ten fold. Thank you to all those who helped us and made us feel welcome along the way. We will never forget you all!!!

Our trip was magnificent! So many adventures and encounters that cannot even come close to being explained in words. Therefore, we are not discouraged. We will go on. This is not an end to our blog by any means. It is a continuation-til next summer. To be continued on our honeymoon; when we conquer the rest of the Pacific Coast that we left off on!!!


  1. Hey Kelly & Mike!

    Alex and I just got back from San Diego. We had to call our trip early due to the prospect of banditos. In the end we decided the risks weren't worth the prospect of completing our journey. It looks like your trip ended prematurely too. I'm sorry to read that.

    Alex and I often look back at that night at Bell II lodge and talk about you two. We are thankful to have met you - so full of life and fun.

    In other news - I'll be in Milwaukee Oct 22-24 for an interview at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Any chance you guys will want to grab a beer or something?

    I hope all is well!

  2. Ryan,

    Damn! I just checked this blog on the 28th, I just missed you! Kelly and I would of liked to have a beer or two or three with you! If you get the job in Milwaukee, Let me know!

